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How Your Diet May Be Affecting Your Incontinence

It should come as no surprise that your diet affects the way in which your body functions. We all know to stay away from ingesting too much sugar and that antioxidants can help fight some form of cancer. Most of us are aware that drinking a cup of coffee past 5pm will most likely result in a sleepless night and that drinking water is essential to wellbeing. However, what you may not know is that certain dietary habits, which may seem as though they belong as part of a healthy diet could actually be making your incontinence symptoms worse.rnrnScientists have discovered that super-powered antioxidants can be found in red wine, coffee and even chocolate – which has come as both a surprise and a great excuse to reach for another treat. What the research behind these findings doesn’t explain is that alcohol and caffeine can both be triggers for incontinence sufferers. Alcohol and caffeine both dehydrate the body, which produces more urine, as well as interferes with signals to the brain as to when to release urine. If you find yourself suffering from an overactive bladder, you may want to cut down or eliminate your consumption of alcohol and caffeine completely. You don’t have to give up your morning cup-of-Joe completely – try switching to decaf or a non-citrus herbal tea.rnrnAnother healthy food category that may be wreaking havoc on your bladder are fruits and tomatoes – which are in fact, a fruit. Acidic fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits, pineapples, lemons, lime and yes, tomatoes are all irritants to the bladder. Those with incontinence may find that eliminating these fruits from their diet may result in less frequent urination. Another hidden source of acidity in your diet may be found in condiments. Mustard, soy sauce, ketchup and mayonnaise have all been shown to increase incontinence symptoms. Try swapping these acidic condiments for garlic, flavored salts and tame spices.rnrnJust when it seems as though all hope is lost and you’ll never be able to enjoy another piece of fruit or a cup of coffee with an old friend, fear not, there is light at the other end of the tunnel. As with anything in life, the key to winning the battle with your overactive bladder is – moderation. Being mindful of what you eat, and when you eat it could mean fewer accidents and less worrying. Try keeping a food journal to track what you’re eating and how your body is responding to it. You may find that one piece of chocolate is just fine, but consuming the entire box may not be as sweet.

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