
Q: What causes frequent urination in women?
Studies show that female incontinence is twice as common as male incontinence. Loss of bladder control is frustrating condition that can impact everything from healthy exercise to your social life, and many women feel embarrassed asking questions or seeking Read More...
Q: Will my post-pregnancy pelvic floor dysfunction go away?
Pregnancy-related incontinence can strike at any age. You may have started experiencing some degree of pelvic floor dysfunction during your pregnancy, as your uterus stretched to accommodate your growing baby and began to press on the bladder or urethra. Read More...
Q: Do prostate surgery side effects include incontinence?
About half of men under the age of 60, and up to 90% of men over the age of 80, will deal with prostate issues. If you’re suffering from an enlarged prostate—whether it’s the result of aging or another Read More...
Q: When should women seek help for an overactive bladder?
Millions of women deal with symptoms of overactive bladder—yet studies show that women wait an average of 6.5 years before seeking professional help. We understand the embarrassment that makes people suffer in silence; overactive bladder, and the leaks that Read More...